UK Libraries is thrilled to announce the opening of a brand new space for all UK students, faculty, staff, and researchers. Named to honor King Library’s historical purpose of housing analog collections, with a nod to contemporary digital infrastructure, The Stacks: Digital Scholarship Center is a unique space with specialized equipment, resources, and events dedicated to digital and data-intensive scholarship.
Created in 1990 and considered one of UK’s most prestigious awards, the UK Libraries Medallion for Intellectual Achievement is awarded annually to a Kentucky resident whose accomplishments in the fields of science, literature, art, or philanthropy have made a profound impact on the Commonwealth and represent the pinnacle of creative or scholarly thought.
This fall, dial up to your full digital potential with an exciting slate of UK Libraries’ Digital Scholarship & Data Workshops & Events. Master a new software, discover the ins and outs of text mining, demystify your data management plan, and explore the many opportunities to take your digital or data-intensive scholarship to the next level.
UK Libraries users looking for a familiar name among our branch locations may notice that something seems to be missing. Never fear, dear Cats! The Science & Engineering Library is now one of several library spaces in the King Library Annex. It’s the same building with a different name – and some exciting new offerings inside.
We are excited to kick off a new academic year! Between new and updated spaces, a slate of exciting events, and our world-class collections, resources, and services, there's a lot to look forward to this fall.
Treadmill desks are now available to all UK Libraries users in Core 4 of the Basement of William T. Young Library. The walk-only treadmills have flat, adjustable-height desks that can comfortably accommodate a personal electronic device, textbooks, and notepad. Users are welcome to go for a study stroll anytime the library is open.
The Medical Center Library will begin its Fall 2024 Research Workshop Series on Aug. 22. Held on Zoom, the virtual seminars help students, faculty, and staff improve and expand their research skills and make more efficient use of library resources. The Fall 2024 series will cover topics that range from data management and systematic reviews to open educational resources, artificial intelligence, and health disparities literature.
Made up of an estimated 2 million unique photographic negatives spanning the years 1939-2001, the John C. Wyatt Lexington Herald-Leader Photographs comprise the most extensive, single collection of still photographic images documenting Lexington's 20th century history in existence.
Tune in to the latest episode of WUKY's Saving Stories to hear NBC Olympics sportscaster and native Lexingtonian Tom Hammond tell the story of one of the most memorable moments from the 2000 games in Sydney, Australia.
The National Archives and the UK Libraries Wendell H. Ford Public Policy Research Center are proud to present the 2024 Earle C. Clements Innovation in Education Award to four outstanding Kentucky teachers. These exemplary educators will be recognized during an award ceremony in the Great Hall of the Special Collections Research Center, located in the Margaret I. King Library, on Friday, August 9 at 4:00 pm.