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The most diverse of all UK Libraries locations, the King Library Annex contains a multitude of collections, services, spaces, and technologies. Within the Annex, users can find:

  • The Stacks: Digital Scholarship Center
  • Science & Engineering Library
  • Maps Library & GIS Lab 
  • Center for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching

Study rooms, ample open seating, reservable work spaces, and specialized computing equipment are available to users across the three floors of the Annex.

Users enter the library building on the Second Floor, referred to as the Ground Floor below. The Third and Fourth Floors are accessible via two staircases or an elevator located across the hall from the main entrance.

Ground Floor

The Ground Floor of the Annex is home to The Stacks: Digital Scholarship Center, a unique space featuring specialized technology and reservable spaces that support the digital scholarship and data initiatives of the UK community.

Spaces and equipment include:

  • Reservable collaboration and meeting spaces
  • Reconfigurable consultation, instruction, and presentation spaces
  • An interactive visualization wall
  • Robust desktop computers with specialized software for digital projects
  • A variety of open seating options for individual or group work

Find more information on spaces and technology available in The Stacks

To use The Stacks’ spaces and equipment, please make a reservation.

The Ground Floor is also home to Subway restaurant, located just inside the Annex’s main entrance, and two classroom spaces, 213E and 213F.

A student gives a presentation using a visualization wall

Screen casting is easy at The Stacks.

Moses Botaka

Third Floor

The Third Floor houses collections and library services for the Science & Engineering Library (SEL). The Service Desk, newly relocated to the Third Floor, is your one-stop shop for reference help and to check out library materials.

A great place for both collaborative and quiet study, the Third Floor holds seating to accommodate around 100 users. Here you'll find four study rooms for individual or small group study (310B, 310C, 310J, and 310K), equipped with tables, six chairs, and whiteboards, all available on a first-come, first-served basis. There are also plush reading chairs, individual study desks and carrels, four semi-enclosed individual study pods equipped with outlets, and several tables of different sizes and heights, including adjustable height tables, for small group study.

The Third Floor holds a majority of SEL print collections, including:

  • SEL monographs, dissertations, reference materials, and USGS publications

  • SEL special collections, including the Kentucky Collection and the Jillson collection

Other Third Floor highlights include:

  • Chess sets available for check out for study breaks, one of many ways to unwind in UK Libraries
  • Moveable whiteboards on rollers with markers available for check out
A chess board set in an oak stump beneath a portrait

Make your move at the Science & Engineering Library.

Fourth Floor

The Fourth Floor is home to the Maps Library, the GIS Lab, and ample open seating and work space.

The Fourth Floor is ideal for collaborative or quiet study, with seating to accommodate around 100 users. Students can take advantage of plush reading chairs, individual study desks, four semi-enclosed individual study pods equipped with outlets, and several medium and large desks for small group study. Whiteboards on rollers are available throughout the Fourth Floor.

Other Fourth Floor highlights include:

  • SEL serials and current periodicals

  • GIS and map-related monographs

Patron studies a map of Lexington in the Science & Engineering Library.

Browse the Gwen Curtis Map collection at the Maps Library.

Fifth Floor

The Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning (CELT) is located on the Fifth Floor of the Annex in Suites 502 and 518. CELT offers services to support engaging and innovative learning environments campuswide.