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A student gives a presentation using a visualization wall

UK Libraries is thrilled to announce the opening of a brand new space for all UK students, faculty, staff, and researchers. 

Named to honor King Library’s historical purpose of housing analog collections, with a nod to contemporary digital infrastructure, The Stacks: Digital Scholarship Center is a unique space with specialized equipment, resources, and events dedicated to digital and data-intensive scholarship.

The Stacks is located on the Ground Floor of the King Library Annex, formerly known as the Science & Engineering Library. The finishing touches of the year-long construction project wrapped up this summer.

“Welcoming the UK community into The Stacks has been exciting and energizing,” said Jennifer Hootman, Coordinator of Digital Scholarship & Data. “I’m delighted to see how the students are beginning to engage with the space and discover the technology. Everyday it’s bubbling with activity. My colleagues and I are looking forward to kicking off our robust line up of fall workshops and events.”

The Stacks will host an all-day Open House on Wednesday, September 11 from 8:30am to 4:30pm. The UK community is invited to drop in to enjoy snacks, lemonade, and iced tea and check out everything that the new space has to offer. 

The Stacks’ team of digital scholarship and data librarians will be on-hand to answer questions about the tailored support they offer to students, faculty, and researchers across campus.

Can’t make the Open House? Explore the highlights of the new space below, and reach out to to get in touch!

Spaces & Technologies

With its large open floor plan, reconfigurable furniture, and movable monitors, The Stacks is ideal for meetings, class instruction, and presentations. A floor-to-ceiling, interactive visualization wall crowns the large reservable Presentation Space, with a seating capacity of 55. 

The Stacks also offers three reservable Collaboration Rooms for group project work. These rooms, with seating for six, feature large monitors, whiteboard walls, and cameras and microphones for hybrid meetings. 

Crunching epic data sets? The Digital Workspace provides four computer workstations loaded with high-end graphics cards and specialized software for data analysis and digital projects. Reservations are required to utilize the workstations. 

Explore all of the spaces and technologies available at The Stacks.

Digital Scholarship & Data Services

With expertise that spans all areas of digital and data-intensive scholarship, The Stacks team is here to help you take your work to the next level. We offer individual, tailored support at every stage of your project, from planning to publication. Schedule a consultation with us to learn how we can help.  

Our specialties include:

  • Data Applications & Visualizations
  • Digital & Open Access Publishing
  • Digital Project Management & Sustainability
  • Digital Scholarship Methods & Tools
  • GIS & Digital Mapping
  • Research Data Management
  • Digital Humanities

We also provide instructional services for research groups and classes. We will gladly work with you to create fully customized workshops or instructional sessions to meet your research or teaching needs.

Find more details about our digital scholarship and data services.

Workshops & Events

Every semester, The Stacks will host a variety of in-person and virtual workshops and events to help students, faculty, and researchers improve and expand their digital scholarship capacities, with broad appeal to all data-intensive disciplines. 

This fall, users can register for workshops to master a new software (RStudio), discover the ins and outs of text mining, take a dive into the possibilities and pitfalls of AI, and explore the many opportunities to increase student engagement with CreateUK. 

See the full calendar of workshops and events.

The Stacks Team

We are here to help you pursue your data dreams! Contact us to discover all the ways we can help with data analysis, data management, digital publishing, digital scholarship, and much more.