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Starting Your Research

Use library services and resources to kickstart your research project.

Managing & Analyzing Research Data

Discover how UK Libraries can help you find, organize, and share your research data.

Publishing & Impact

Write up your findings, publish your work, and track its impact in your field. 

Using Digital Tools in Research

Explore new pathways for research, analysis, and publishing across all scholarly fields.

Systematic Reviews

Identify and survey scholarly research on a particular topic to discover gaps, guide further research, and inform practice and policy-making.

Research Help

Consult with a librarian for help using search tools, locating library materials and services, and general research support.

Dean's Award Recipient poses for photo with Dean of Libraries at the Spring Celebration event.

Isabelle Pethtel, recipient of UK Libraries Dean’s Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Scholarship, with UK Libraries Dean Doug Way.

Lissette De La Cruz